Tech Is The New Oil

Tech Is The New Oil

Imagine a world where your best investors are people you have partied with in Las Vegas or where your best business ventures started over a pint of beer? This is the reality of tech start-ups on the liberalist ‘left coast’ of the USA.  Hear about the ‘open tech culture’ of Silicon Valley where disruptive and revolutionary ideas are encouraged. Plus get the low down on tech stocks and their 20-year history with Chris Tate.


eliasbizannesElias Bizannes – The Culture of the Silicon Valley

Being in the start up world is a lifestyle…

Some of your best investors are those you have partied with in Las Vegas, some of your best deals are made over a pint of beer.

There is a hub of energy and a petri dish of tech experiments where revolutionary and disruptive ideas are encouraged. The left over liberal culture of hippy movement infiltrates the tech ecosystem of Silicon Valley. Mark Zuckerburg caused initial public outrage with his open tech culture of Facebook.

Elias Bizannes runs StartUpHouse – a co-working space in the heart of Silicon Valley which Presidential Republican Candidate Paul Rand visited two weeks ago in answer to Bizannes’ challenge over the internet to listen to lone-wolf innovators.

He also runs StartUpBus – a 3-day tech competition where buspreneurs compete to conceive the best tech start up idea. StartUpBus is active on 5 continents – North and South America, Europe, Africa and Australia.

Cockroaches can survive nuclear attacks … so can entrepreneurs. As trading is the ultimate entrepreneurial endeavour hear why the freedom is as valuable as the pay itself.


chris_tate_expChris Tate – Tech Stocks

Learn the difference between Nasdaq Composite and the Nasdaq 100; hear about the mania of the bubble and The Tech Wreck. And find out about the performances of Apple, Microsoft and Amazon and why the Tech Dax is trending.




Highlights of Talking Trading are also available on Louise Bedford’s Soundcloud.

Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod

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