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The neuroscience of meditation says it all: we perform better when we have rested our minds. When elite traders in New York use this eastern art, it is time step up and take notice. Enjoy Allan Furlong’s accent, his philosophy on life and his deep belief in the power of harnessing our minds. Also hear our resident psychology expert, Simone Miller tells you how to stare down the beast of unworthiness and step into your potential.
Simone Miller – Beat the beast of unworthiness
As traders we are ambitious… we want to strive beyond just the basics.
But sometimes the beast of unworthiness steps in and sabotages your dreams.
It takes all forms and all manner of disguises:
- Do you take daily consistent actions to achieve your goals
- Do you waste time doing unnecessary tasks and waylaying ones that help you meet your goals
- Do you feel guilty about having more than others?
It is a strange fact in life that when you believe in yourself others will automatically as well. Love and relish the process of success and train yourself to think and act positivity and choose daily gratitude over doubt.
At the end of the day you are as worthy as anyone else and deserve success.
Simone can be contacted at http://lifesupportscounselling.com.au/counsellors/simone-miller/
Alan Furlong – Meditation
When kickass FX traders in New York start using meditation, it is time to stop and take notice.
The one tool we have in our toolkit that no one knows its limitations is our brain.
Brain training or meditation allows you to tap into this extraordinary resource and elite performers and professionals are discovering it improves their performance.
MRI scans have proved that those people who meditate have enhanced problem solving skills, greater creativity and better ability under pressure as well as greater capacity for joy and contentment.
Alan Furlong is an ex rugby playing entrepreneur who came from work-hard drink-hard culture who meditates every day. He swears by the neuroscience of this eastern art and the benefits to his life.
To learn more about Alan Furlong’s 7 Week Business Transformation Program, click here.
Mindpower with Caroline Stephen
As the Dalai Lama says ‘the wonderful thing about our minds is that they can be transformed’.
Hear more about meditation in Caroline’s Mindpower segment and how practising meditation alters your mind.
Highlights of Talking Trading are also available on Louise Bedford’s Soundcloud.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com