Stephen Warden

Stephen Warden

This week’s episode of Talking Trading features mentoree Stephen Warden. In this interview we get inside his brain, his money scripts and his trading life to discover that the best traders are those who have walked the long and arduous journey. A journey that took Stephen from student of the market to becoming a seasoned player with consistent wins. Find out what keeps him inspired and continually sharpening his trading edge.



Stephen Warden is a Trading Game mentoree of 2010.

He is a battle-hardened trader who has made huge wins in the market and also learnt some hard lessons.

Hear about the time his money script came out and threatened to hurt him, the period his account went ballistic and why he is passionate about finding his archetypal trade.

In this interview also hear how Stephen:

      • Has 2 expressions pinned onto his computer:
        Take the next trade – you can’t fail AND Consistency is a state of mind


      • Reads a chapter from Market Wizards each night


      • Uses a checklist when trading


      • Treats trading like a casino with his trading plan as the house edge


      • Believes passionately that it takes no skill to place a winning trade but it takes enormous skill to trade consistently


      • Has 6 favourite trading books:


      • 1. Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


      • 2. Market Wizards by Jack Schwager


      • 3. New Market Wizards by Jack Schwager


      • 4. Stan Weinstein – Secrets from Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets


      • 5. Darvas – How I made two million dollars in the stock market


      • 6. Jesse Livermore – Reminisces of a Stock Operator


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