Short Term Trading Magic

Short Term Trading Magic

If you ever wanted to hear how Chris Tate trades… this interview is for you.

In this interview we hear first-hand how he conducts his trading simultaneously with both long and short-term systems, one to build wealth creation and the other to build cash flow.

This is a rare opportunity to hear Chris speak candidly about different time frames on the markets and how he places his trades. And in Mindpower, Louise Bedford challenges you to create one success habit this week.


chris_tate_expChris Tate – Short term Trading Magic

Want to earn cash flow from the markets?

Want to put dinner on the table as well as build up your equity account?

You have your weekly trading system down pat… here is the icing on the cake to put money in your back pocket.

Here are the definitions of short term trading.

Short term trading is NOT day trading.

Short term trading follows a trend to the end.

Short term trading uses a shorter time frame to generate an entry.

Short term trading adds diversification to your portfolio.

Short term trading will give you CASHFLOW.

In this rare opportunity, Chris Tate speaks candidly about his two separate trading systems – one long-term and one short-term system and how he uses both to build his equity and his cash flow.

We also hear his thoughts on trend following and if he thinks the markets are really harder to trade these days.

Louise and Chris are running a Short Term Trading Magic day in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. Click here to find out more.


IMG_0414Mindpower with Louise Bedford – Habits

We are the sum total of the habits we create.

The reason why planning and habit creation is important is that when we are under pressure we revert to our habits and our IQ drops.

Under pressure you are immersing yourself in habits you have had for a life-time.

Louise’s challenge to you this week is to think about your habits of success a trader and in your life. Add one habit this week that will lead you towards success.



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