Daily Versus Weekly Systems

Daily Versus Weekly Systems

Louise Bedford has traded both daily and weekly trading systems. Which one is the best for you? Jonathon Barrett gives a global markets update and Niv Dagan talks all things trading.


Jonathon Barrett

The US economy is starting to slow down, and with a hawkish statement by The Fed on interest rates, there could be a recipe for profit-taking.

Oil has come under pressure as Nigeria and Libya continue to produce, Opec cuts don’t seem to be working and the US continues with its own reserves.


LB - Trading MentorLouise Bedford

Do weekly trading systems outperform daily?

Louise shares some of her 30 years experience in the markets.

  1. In a daily system you won’t be able to catch long-term trends and pyramid into a position. However, for the experienced trader there are still gains to be had.
  2. There are more transaction costs
  3. Unless you develop your skills, daily charts are noisy and it is harder to see the overall trend
  4. It’s possible to overtrade.


NivNiv Dagan – Peak Asset Management

Peak Asset Management is a boutique investment firm based in Melbourne. Niv and his team provide private and institutional investors with access to attractive corporate opportunities.

In this interview he talks about:

  • why investors always want more
  • the mindset of sophisticated investors
  • his passion for the markets
  • the role of stock brokers and compliancy rules which govern them
  • the difference between general and personal advice
  • why people are moving out from options to CFDs
  • online broking versus human broking
  • the litmus test he conducts on all his research.

Get exposure to Niv’s bi daily market wraps and have the in depth low-down on what is the happening in the market morning and night.

To find out more about Niv email him directly at:

Or go to his website



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