Sacred Success

Sacred Success

This week’s episode of Talking Trading features life coach Barbara Stanny on sacred success and pursuing your soul’s purpose. Hear how greatness is where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger and the slogan for the rich. Also get deep inside Louise Bedford’s head in this episode as she shares some personal words from her morning journal and asks you ‘What is your personal manifesto for today?’


Louise Bedford – Your Personal Manifesto

To master anything you need to pay attention to the masters.

Hear how Louise Bedford ticks… how she thinks… how she inspires herself… as she shares an excerpt from her morning journal on her personal manifesto for the day.


Barbara Stanny

Barbara Stanny learnt the hard way…

Her husband was a compulsive gambler.

Once she left him she got a tax bill for over 1 million dollars.

That is when she got SMART: If you don’t deal with your money your money will deal with you.

For Barbara, sacred success is pursuing your soul’s purpose for your own bliss and the benefit of others while being richly rewarded.

The primary purpose of sacred success and creating affluence is achieving your greatness and Barbara defines greatness as ‘That place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger’.

So how do you find your purpose?

The number one thing to go to the next level is to do what you don’t think you can do.

If you ask under earners when was the last time they did something they feared, they would say a long time ago, but if you ask high earners the same question they laugh and say it is a way of life.

High earners slogan: ‘If it is not illegal or immoral just say yes’.

The second thing is to Surround yourself with support: you become whom you are with.Under earners tend to hang out with naysayers, worry warts and pessimists. They are scared. High earners surround themselves with people who are playing at the level they want to

Under earners tend to hang out with naysayers, worry warts and pessimists. They are scared. High earners surround themselves with people who are playing at the level they want to playing. They find role models who inspire them to play a bigger game.

Women who earn big money may be confident but they still struggle with self-doubt and fear. But the difference between them and under earning women is they didn’t let it affect them. They feel the self-doubt and do it anyway.


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