Fiji Getaway

Fiji Getaway
Palm trees hanging over stunning tropical lagoon

Business owners – this one’s for you! (But also, if you’re a trader who hasn’t taken a break in a while – this is just so damned important as well.)

Listen to Tax Accountant, Business Leader and TV personality Jason Cunningham as he discusses the importance of getting away from it all and ‘sharpening your saw’. Jason will be leading a 3-day event for business owners in the paradise of Fiji.  Join Jason, Louise Bedford and Chris Tate on 22 – 24 June 2017 to develop an action plan across 7 key ingredients of business success to strategise your future and liberate your lifestyle. Come and get a suntan while building your business network.


100_0455Jason Cunningham

Feel like you are running around in circles?

Tired of not moving ahead with the bottom line?

Forgotten why you went into your business in the first place?

Tax Accountant, business owner and T.V personality, Jason Cunningham is sharing his accounting knowledge, horsepower and business hutzpah in a three day event in Fiji to change people’s lives on:  22 – 24 June 2017.

Give yourself a mid year break and join Jason, Louise Bedford and Chris Tate in paradise to build your business network and develop an action plan across 7 key ingredients of business success.

Too often business owners get caught up in the holus bolus of their business and don’t take time out to ‘sharpen the saw’.  It has been ‘mission critical’ for Jason to go away each year to build his own business. And in this 3-day event he wants to impart, share, inspire and support business owners to liberate their lifestyles.

The first thing people say is they don’t have the time. Make the time now.

Here are 4 reasons to go to paradise.

  1. Liberate your lifestyle with 24 hours of Jason and his team to support you and share how and why he built his business and net worth.
  1. It is a smoko in the middle of the year.

Take time out with like-minded business owners and step outside from your usual routine. Feel the synergy of people who are on the same page and where the sum becomes greater than the parts. And get a suntan.

Take the opportunity to hang out with business leaders Louise Bedford, Chris Tate, Cameron Schwab and Kylie Bartlett.

  1. Get a tax deduction
  1. Money back guarantee. If you walk away and feel like this event has not been worth it to you Jason will give you your money back. He wants to people walk away and feel liberated.

To go to paradise and strategise your future whilst getting a suntan go to: or contact 03 8888 4000.

Where: The Intercontinental Hotel Fiji

When:  22 -24 June 2017

Places are limited.



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