Boost Juice Part 2

Boost Juice Part 2

Boost Juice CEO Janine Allis on the rainbow of culture around the world and key habits to running a global business.


LB - Trading MentorLouise Bedford – Mindpower


If there is a single goal every trader should have experienced and novice alike it should CONSISTENCY.

Your personal development trading goal should be to become consistent and approach trading with clarity and mechanical detachment.

Consistency can only be achieved over time.

Trading should be monotonous and steady and if it isn’t you need to improve some aspect of your attitude or system design.


Janine AllisJanine Allis CEO Boost Juice

Boost Juice is the idea that went around the kitchen table to around the world in just a few years.

Imagine walking down snow covered cobbled streets in Estonia and seeing the opening of your new store.

Or walking down London’s High Street and seeing people with your product in their hands.

Or sitting in Saudi Arabia in a room of men in long white dresses and signing a deal for stores around their country.

These are Janine’s europhic moments.

Boost Juice is a rainbow of culture extending into 15 countries around the world and in this interview Janine discusses some of her key ingredients to business success.


In order to open 500 stores around the world Boost Juice’s systems had to be strong for people to follow. Just a like a share trader Janine spent her time obsessively looking at excel spreadsheets to master her system.


‘If you are not running your diary calendar properly you are living in chaos.’

– Janine Allis

Janine’s diary helps her with stability and is a way of keeping stress out of her life.


She also manages stress by yoga …every morning. It balances her, unwinds her energy, tells her where she needs to open and relax. It brought back balance to her life after years of 18-hour days.

We ask Janine what a confident businesswoman looks like, what a great leader looks like, and what is the best piece of advice for a budding entrepreneur.


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