The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect
Women running on stairs

In today’s episode, we talk with speaker Khoa Bui on the lessons he has learned from leading entrepreneurs. We discuss ‘The Compound Effect’, the benefits of the weekly rhythm register and improving your strengths. We also hear which are Khoa’s favourite books on personal development. Louise Bedford asks, “Could the perfect trader be an intelligent moron?” How clever do you have to be to trade the markets?


khoa-buiKhoa Bui

Success is the little things you do each day which accumulate your greatness.

In this interview with Khoa Bui we take at look at The Compound Effect and other lessons learned from entrepreneurs, his favourite books on leadership and key lessons in personal development, wealth management and relationships.

In this interview we discuss: The Compound Effect

  • The weekly rhythm register
  • The importance of cash flow,
  • Improving your strengths,
  • Four degrees of action

Khoa Bui is a writer, speaker, entrepreneur and CEO of, a site dedicated to providing entrepreneurs help on motivation, inspiration and productivity.


LB - Trading MentorLouise Bedford – Mindpower

Are you too dumb to trade?

Could it be the perfect trader is an intelligent moron?

How clever do you have to be to trade effectively?

The share market does not recognise your qualifications.

Many professionals have established success in their profession and they feel the markets should give them some rewards. It is tempting to think if you have been successful in one area in your life you should be successful in all other areas too.

But The HALO EFFECT does not apply in the markets.

Having the right level of motivation is much more important than having a high IQ.


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