Strategies to Overcome Imposter Complex

Strategies to Overcome Imposter Complex

This week’s episode looks at kicking self-doubt in the butt and championing your dreams. Leadership coach Tanya Geisler walks through three strategies to overcome The Imposter Complex and own your authority, while Louise Bedford puts self-doubt in the markets into perspective and how your trading system can overcome it. Come and listen… your confidence is waiting.


Louise Bedford: The Dunning Krueger Effect

What is the Dunning Krueger Effect and how does it relate to trading?

Over confident traders can blow themselves up but self doubt can lead you to wonder whether you have what it takes to succeed in the markets.

Hear Louise tell you that if you feel self-doubt it does not matter. If you have an effective trading plan your internal level of confidence will have nothing to do with your trading results.


Tanya GeislerTanya Geisler: The Imposter Complex

The Imposter Complex has three key attributes and Tanya discusses three key strategies to overcome them.

1) The Imposter Complex wants you alone and out of action.

The solution is to meet the critics and here are three different kinds of critics that keep us out of action.

a. Realistic objections, which are logistics that you need to get handled.

b. Inner critics, which are beliefs created from self-talk.

c. Actual people.

2) The Imposter Complex wants you not trusting your capacity

The solution is show yourself what you can do. Do an audit of everything you have done. Every time we have filled that YOU shaped hole in the universe and stepped out and stood your sacred ground. Be your own standard of excellence.

Make sure you celebrate too:  At the end of everyday do a scan and take note where you were truly excellent. Every time you expanded, grown, healed, overcome. So when other people give us accolades and acknowledgements we are more able to receive them.

3) Imposter Complex likes you alone.

The solution is to get social and assemble your cast. It is important to have people around you who can see your fullness. Be real about these imposter lies which trip you up and tell your cast because it gives you accountability.

Every person you admire, every person you think kicks butt is overcoming the Imposter Complex and so can you.

Tanya is offering a special discount for Talking Trading listeners of 50% off her Starring Role Playbook. There are two options: 11 weeks of dripped content, or an on-demand, do this work in one fell swoop.

To purchase Tanya’s playbook go to:

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