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Also find out the next 4 strategies high achievers use to make the most of their year, and how the Aussie markets performed last week.
Ashley Jessen – Market Wrap
Last week the Aussie market was extremely bullish with all sectors posting positive results; materials and financials being the best performing.
Volatility has moved to extremes in the FX and commodities markets so be aware of short sharp movements. Global indices are also at a tipping point and Ashley suggests keeping an eye on the double and triple tops as the indices try to break forward.
Ashley’s overall advice for this week is to keep to short term trading systems and get out of the buy and hold mentality.
Join our exclusive trader event with Ashley on 4 February in Sydney. Chris Tate is presenting on ‘How Your Thinking is Keeping You Broke’. You’ll need to register right now by clicking here.
Gary Stone – Sharewealth Systems
Gary’s latest report 16 Traits of a Successful Investor gets down and dirty with trading basics. All traders’ need a process, a system and a vision and Gary discusses why having a trading process is the first and most important rule in the markets. He also discusses other traits necessary such as being honest with yourself, not giving up and preserving your capital.
He shares how he got started in the markets 25 years ago, why Mark Douglas is his trading mentor and the times he has tinkered with his trading plan.
To download a copy of Gary’s report go to:
Plus hear the final 4 strategies high achievers do to start the New Year.
To download the mp3 file to your computer, right-click on the ‘Download’ link and choose ‘Save target as…’ or ‘Save link as…’ and save the podcast to a suitable location on your local drive. This episode of Talking Trading is also available on Louise Bedford’s Soundcloud.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com