Opportunities Are Everywhere

Opportunities Are Everywhere

Louise Bedford on how trading compares to other business ventures

Louise Bedford – Mindpower

What money-making opportunities should you follow and how does trading compare?

One move and your life in a few years could look very different, it could look fantastic or it could be a huge misstep.

This is how Louise evaluates opportunities which she comes across.

  1. What is the return on investment?
    Where can you expect to be in 12 months?
  2. Future value
    Is this opportunity likely to bring significant wealth over the medium to long-term?
  3. Personal development
    Will this opportunity provide self-growth?
  4. Lifestyle
    How will this opportunity affect your lifestyle?
  5. Emotional wellbeing
    How much of an emotional toll will this opportunity take?

Trading isn’t perfect but what opportunity is?

Take advantage of Louise Bedford’s and Chris Tate combined 50 years experience in the share market and ongoing support for life with the repeat for free mentor program. Give yourself the best chance of success.

To register, go to www.tradinggame.com.au/priority


Peter Harrigan – Grey Swan

Peter has built a new, decentralised, trading platform with a visual and intuitive interface. Interoperable with blockchain technology, Peter explains why he built it and why traders would want to use it.

To find out more go to https://medium.com/greyswandigital

Or Peter is happy to answer questions via email Newfinance@greyswanmail.com




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