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Are you sensing that OMG feeling “I just don’t think I can do this?” Then you may be on the verge of a breakthrough. To live the trader’s life you have to tread where civilians don’t go and be willing to live on the edge.
Market Wrap with Market Wizard Linda Raschke
We take a look at the US and commodity markets with Market Wizard Linda Raschke.
Mindpower with Louise Bedford
The Kafka Effect
Are you experiencing that OMG feeling of “I just don’t think I can do this?”
Then you may be on the verge of a breakthrough.
The Kafka effect is a state of complete unease before you have a creative breakthrough where your brain starts seeing patterns, solutions, and answers.
But you have to get out of your comfort zone.
You have to be willing to stretch, cry, curse and fume before you grow and find those answers. That circle of comfort, which you used to live in, is just going to lead to boredom.
To live the trader’s life you have to tread where civilians don’t go and be willing to live on the edge.
Simone Miller
Pessimism In Others
Pessimistic people complain…a lot.
Pessimistic people drain you.
Are you surrounded by people who wear a constant twenty-past-seven smile?
Here are some solutions from Simone on how to deal with pessimists.
- Manifest the positivity within you by taking responsibility, and doing what you need to do to protect your happiness.
- Gently tell people they are being negative, many people don’t realise they are being so.
- Be prepared to weed out pessimistic people in your life – pick champions, pick supporters. You need to be loved and supported.