Market Wizard Anthony Saliba 2

Market Wizard Anthony Saliba 2

This interview is a rare opportunity to hear market legend and entrepreneurial genius  Anthony Saliba on his business crusades around the world, his personal insights into sport, fitness and family and how his last name literally means ‘Crusader’.

Louise Bedford Mindpower

How are you making your wealth?

Do you invest in the three pathways that lead to affluence:business, shares or property or are you tied someone else’s dreams?

Market Wizard Anthony Saliba

Anthony Saliba was born on the wrong side of the tracks. His father was a carpenter who came home with swollen hands and pumped gas at night.

It taught Anthony his work ethic and by the time he started trading it was his 27th job. By age 25 he was a millionaire. Tired of mentoring his clerks to trade 5 years later at age 30 he was ready to leave the trading floor and create the first trading simulator.

In Lebanese Anthony’s surname literally means ‘Crusader’.  And he has lived up to his name crusading around the world helping to establish electronic trading and options  training in exchanges all around the world.

At one stage he had residences in Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt,  Chicago all at the same time. 

Building businesses is his lifeblood.

With some of his entrepreneurial exit points of over $100 million Anthony sees himself as a builder of ideas and businesses.

His wife complains he never stops thinking but he continues to dream and think  anything is possible.

How does Anthony keep fit? What is his favourite sound? Why does he treat his staff so well?

Hear these inner fascinating insights from a market and entrepreneurial legend.

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