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It’s time to find your bliss and follow your passion. Hear how young gun property developer Nhan Nguyen keeps moving forwards and how Louise Bedford’s personal mission statement at age 19 was to liberate people’s lives through trading. She still has the same purpose… she wants to liberate your life as well. Plus find out about Anthony Robbins latest research into the 4 qualities all billionaires have in common and the latest in our markets.
Market Wrap – Aaron Lynch
The US markets finally flattened last week while the Australian market gave back its 70 point gain made earlier in the week on the back of falling commodity prices. The energies complex of crude, Brent and natural gas had massive declines with up to 10% falls due to OPEC’s announcement. Aaron’s advice is to make sure your trading plan offsets volatility and to watch some of the ranges being oversold.
Your Life’s Mission – Mindpower
Are you living your life’s purpose? Do you have soul satisfaction? At 19 Louise Bedford wrote down her mission statement and knew she needed to spread the word how others could liberate their lives through trading. She wants to liberate yours as well. Are ready to move forward and trade your fears for peace, your anxiety for confidence? It is one thing to hear your hearts calling but another to act on it. Download Louise’s free trading plan template.
Also, the 2015 Mentor Program is booked out… But wait! You can still be involved.
Click here to find out how.
Anthony Robbins
Find out Anthony Robbins’ results into his examination of financial legends and the four obsessions common to all billionaires.
Nhan Nguyen – Advanced Property Strategies
At 23 Nhan (from Advanced Property Strategies) went into full time property investing and 10 years later he has now done over 20 million dollars worth of real estate deals.
He is a young man who has set and achieved a lot of goals for himself. Hear how he breaks them down into timeframes of 10 years – 12 months – 90 days and his need to take daily action towards them.
Find out how the GFC kept him lying awake at night with his stomach in knots and how he came out the other side with money in his hip pocket. And listen to his advice to all people wanting to achieve financial freedom.
You’re going to want Nhan’s free DVD called ‘No Money Down Property Strategies’. Click here to pick up your copy.
To download the mp3 file to your computer, right-click on the ‘Download’ link and choose ‘Save target as…’ or ‘Save link as…’ and save the podcast to a suitable location on your local drive. This episode of Talking Trading is also available on Louise Bedford’s Soundcloud.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com