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This episode teaches you the power of resilience. Business Commando Aaron Parsons encourages you to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Move forward on your mission and your success is inevitable. Hear how to stay motivated every day and why for a trader ‘NO’ just means ‘NEXT’. Plus Louise Bedford DARES you to fail your way to success, and we find out the bulls are still running in the US markets.
Jono Barratt – Market Wrap
And the bulls are still running in the U.S… record closes again on Friday capping 7 weeks of gains.
Meanwhile…our market has been nervous and hasn’t performed like our Yankee brothers with plummeting iron ore prices, coal prices and now oil prices. The transport and aeroplane sectors however have taken advantage of the cheap oil and are performing well.
The charts trends are steady and traditionally we get Christmas rallies that mean if the trend sets in it will be good to follow.
Aaron Parsons
Business Commando Aaron Parson’s has seen too many people say no too easily.
With globalisation changing the landscape of our employment Aaron urges everyone to not be a VICTIM and to take control of their lives by learning core strategies for entrepreneurship. As Jim Rohn said ‘formal education will make you a living but self-education will make you a fortune.’
Aaron believes in business and trading the key to success is resilience. Learn to dust yourself off – keep focused on the mission – move forward – and your success is inevitable. ‘No’ simply means ‘NEXT’.
A Christmas Gift from Aaron
Especially for Talking Trading listeners, Aaron has organised for you to receive a free video. The video reveals ‘The Strategic Entrepreneur Blueprint for Complete Financial and Personal Freedom.’
Just goes to show… Talking Trading listeners must be pretty damned special to receive such fine treatment.
Claim your complimentary copy now at:
Mindpower – Louise Bedford
It is time to get used to failing… Louise shares her own failures and how she overcame them. She believes the best traders are those who persist – if you persist long enough you will fail your way to success.
To download the mp3 file to your computer, right-click on the ‘Download’ link and choose ‘Save target as…’ or ‘Save link as…’ and save the podcast to a suitable location on your local drive. This episode of Talking Trading is also available on Louise Bedford’s Soundcloud.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com