Laser Trading Tips for the Lazy Investor

Laser Trading Tips for the Lazy Investor
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Want to excel in the markets, but you’re having trouble getting off the couch? This show will give you all you need to goad your lazy butt into action.

Jono Barratt – What will the markets bring in 2014?

Jonathan_expAs we kick-off into the New Year, it’s essential to run over a few of the crucial aspects of trading that we tend to forget. Jono will shed light on all of these issues, including stop losses, money management and ‘where you should NOT be if the market moves against you’. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

Chris Tate – What’s been happening in the markets this week?

Chris TateDoes how the market trade in January set the tone for the whole year? It’s time for you to discover what the other traders are waiting for with bated breath. Chris will goad your butt into action. He will tell you how to think about your trading systems, and how to refine your strategies so you can excel as a trader. He will also give you the low-down on what’s happening with the Aussie dollar and Gold, as well as share his views about the markets. This segment will show you exactly how you can get the most bang for your bucks.

Louise Bedford – Make Time Your Friend

Louise BedfordThere’s so much information about trading, and so much to learn. Best-selling author Louise Bedford tells you how to avoid those nasty time leaks, and how to get the most out of your day. You’re about to hear Louise’s tips about how to deal with one issue at a time and achieve success. Conquer your time leaks, gain back your ‘time integrity’, and keep on track with your trading, so you can get the results you deserve. Gain an insight into the type of questions you should be asking yourself to excel. Plus, Louise describes her technique of having a ‘Focus Day’ that she swears by is responsible for her success. It’s something you can implement straight away and see instant results.

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