Killer Strategies to Grow Your Trading Equity

Killer Strategies to Grow Your Trading Equity
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There are some things that work in the markets, and some that just DON’T! Learn how you can avoid shooting yourself in the foot. Also, you’ll hear what the professionals are trading this week.

Chris Tate – Killer Strategies

Chris TateLearn how to grow your trading equity and not shoot yourself in the foot. What are some of the things that work in the markets, and some of the things that just don’t. Best-selling author Chris Tate will share his views about some of his killer strategies to make your equity grow. He tells us when to buy and sell a share, and the importance of a stop loss.

Evan McQuire – Options Corner

img_reqLearn what all successful traders have learned to hone their trading systems with options. Just what are the differences between options and stocks? These dynamos can become dynamite in the wrong hands. Used correctly though, Evan tells us that options can leverage your portfolio, multiply your wealth, and get you the results you’ve been looking for.

Louise Bedford – Kids and Trading

Louise BedfordHow young is too young to learn the secrets of the markets? How much of a difference would it make to your children’s lives if you could inspire them to become a trader, and take control of their financial lives? Louise Bedford is a mother of two and she shares her thoughts on trading, motherhood, and how to get your kids to focus on becoming great traders, whatever their ages.

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