Risk it All? Know Your Style

Risk it All? Know Your Style

To trade effectively, it’s essential that you understand your own risk type and personality type.

It’s the only way you’ll develop a trading edge and the winning mindset you’ll need to excel in the markets. Focusing on your own strengths rather than trying to copy someone else’s approach is a step in the right direction and this revealing interview with Steve Ward will make you gasp with the revelations you’ll hear.

Hear how psychometric tests to gain insights into risk type and behaviour can help. Plus, finally discover how experiences in one arena, such as rock climbing, can generalize to another arena, such as trading.

Questions Steve Answers

  1. How can you assess your risk personality?
  2. How does risk personality affect a trader’s risk-taking, decision-making, and performance?
  3. How can we achieve congruence between our risk personality and trading style?
  4. Can you give us some examples of how an awareness of how your risk personality can enhance trading performance?
  5. Why can understanding your own personality type be helpful for traders?

… and much, much more…

About Steve Ward

Steve Ward, owner of Performance Edge, is a world-renowned high-performance coach who has spent the last 18 years focused on helping trading and investing professionals from hedge funds, banks, commodities trading houses, utilities, and proprietary trading firms, achieve and sustain exceptional performance.

His work centres on delivering evidence-based practical strategies and tactics drawn from the areas of elite performance, psychology, behavioural science, neuroscience, and physiology.

His Traders Mind Journal is a tool that every trader I’ve met can benefit from using, and he is the author of three books on trading performance and psychology – Bulletproof Trader, Tradermind and High Performance Trading.

Stay in Touch with Steve

Website: performanceedgeconsulting.co.uk

Risk Type Compass – available through this website: https://www.psychological-consultancy.com/products/risk-type-compass/

Use discount code: TTPOD50 at https://thetradersmindjournal.com/ for a discount on Steve’s journal.

Also, Steve’s new online course starts in October 2023, so have a look at this link for details: https://tradeatyourbest.com/

About Louise Bedford

Louise is a best-selling author and the founder of www.tradinggame.com.au.

She and her business partner, Chris Tate, have been running their repeat-for-free Mentor Program since the year 2000. They provide simple techniques that you can implement straight away, and valuable resources to enhance your trading so you can maximise your profit potential.

To get in touch with Louise

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TradingGame/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTradingGame
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/louise-bedford/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/tradinggame


Photo by Ricardo Arce on Unsplash

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