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Jason McIntosh has been a professional trader for over 3 decades. His trading psychology and methodology dovetail Louise Bedford’s so well that she swears he is a “trading brother from another mother”. You will love hearing his specific strategies to make the most out of today’s markets.
Mindpower Louise Bedford
As adults, we have forgotten to play.
What did you like to do when you were a 10-year old when you had no time pressures?
Remember what they were so you can incorporate them into your life now.
Jason McIntosh
Jason McIntosh had a dream beginning to a trading career.
At 21 he stepped onto the floor of Bankers Trust dealing room and into another world.
As soon as he stepped off the elevator he heard the yelling and screaming of prices across the floor from people with phones up to their ears.
The next few years were a whirlwind as he went from being a dealer’s assistant to trading currencies, bonds and commodities. He learnt to trade from the best, rumour had it that the average salary on the dealing floor at Bankers Trust was higher than anywhere in the country.
At (18.10 mins) hear how Jason made the transition to becoming an independent trader in 2007 and the amount of flexibility he has in life now.
Louise Bedford even swears that Jason is “a brother from another trading mother”. His trading psychology as well as methodology, are so similar that Louise Bedford’s husband was even trading Jason’s system. At (20.30 mins) hear the key components of Jason’s trading method and how the best traders have been using the same strategies for decades.
You will love him.
Wouldn’t you agree that if you could duplicate a professional trader’s system, you’d buy yourself back years…
Years of pain if you were to learn by trial and error…
Years of frustration as you fumbled around, trying to work out what makes the markets tick…
But there is a different way… a simpler way. Learn from Jason McIntosh, a professional trader with three decades of trading experience. He’s prepared a 4-part video series called The Trader’s Workshop for our traders and he’s giving it to you for free.