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You’ll love hearing these gems about the markets this week! Learn some trading trivia, essentials about the markets, and grab yourself some more free information from Chris Tate’s blog.
Become an FX Master with Colin Simpson
Prepare yourself for the FX market with Colin Simpson.
How does FX differ from equities trading and when does FX work best?
Learn what Colin trades, and test your currency IQ with our trivia… see if you can beat Colin. And for enquiries about Colin’s personal training, click here.
What is Putin doing to the price of gold? Get the low down on how the shonky events in Crimea are affecting prices, and why copper has fallen on its butt.
Also, find out who is winning the tussle between the Euro and the Pound.
Learn Trading Mindpower Secrets and Read a New Trading Book with Louise Bedford
“You don’t become a millionaire for the money, you become a millionaire for the person you become along the way,”
Listen to Louise’s unexpected definition of financial freedom and why Jim Rohn’s words hit home for her.
And hear about Van Tharp’s book Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom. Louise side step’s its sticky mathematics and extracts its wisdom, so you are impenetrable in the markets.
Caroline Stephen and Karen Hansen-Palumbieri
Listen to dynamic trader Karen Hansen-Palumbieri and find out why Chris Tate loves this woman.
It’s not just her accent!
Hear how has grown in the program and why she revisits it every year.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.inco