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This episode is a psychological bonanza with Louise and Chris back in Tasmania with Dr Harry to discuss Let The Trade Wins Flow – 2nd Edition. Louise also gives tips to get out of your comfort zone and we a catch up with our first mentoree from the mid-point Mentor Program meeting.
The markets traded without a lot of conviction last week, with the mining sector cool and oil coming into play with unrest in Iraq.
With a possible double top in the All Ords will the market be in for a correction? Jono’s advice to traders this week – look for the double tops and bottoms in the charts.
Louise keeps up the psychological pressure by urging everybody to get out of their comfort zone in Mindpower.
Write down the top 5 experiences in your lives and then write down 5 more.
Dr Harry’s New Edition of his Iconic Book
Let the trade wins flow all the way into your bank account and your self esteem with Harry’s simple but transformational technique – make a mandala in your mind of your success and replay it again and again and again…
As Louise says “Let his advice wrap around you like a warm blanket and then use his strategies to charge towards trading success as if your life depended on it.”
If you are serious about mastering the markets this is a must-have resource. To get your copy click here – or copy and paste this link in your browser’s address bar
Mentoree Insights
We catch up with our first member from our longitudinal study at the midpoint Mentor Program meeting, Christine Barwise.
Hear why she wants to get uncomfortable over the next three months and how the psychological aspects of the program are not only helping her with her trading, but her life.
To download the mp3 file to your computer, right-click on the ‘Download’ link and choose ‘Save target as…’ or ‘Save link as…’ and save the podcast to a suitable location on your local drive.
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.inco