Trading for a Billionaire

Trading for a Billionaire

Ever wondered what a billionaire’s day looks like? Find out in this week’s episode of Talking Trading with FX gun Pete Armstrong. Pete turned $20,000 into $2.2 million in 12 weeks and his focus led him to trading FX for a billionaire. Get ready to blow the lid of your financial thermostat as we hear how billionaires approach life, how they structure their day and the mindset that makes them reach their targets.


Pete Armstrong

FX Gun Pete Armstrong traded his $20,000 account into $2.2 million in 12 weeks whilst in a hospital bed suffering a spinal injury.

Pete’s intense focus and love of the markets led him to trade FX for a billionaire.

How do billionaires think? How do they operate differently from the general public?

Pete’s observations will blow the lid off your financial thermostats as we find out that billionaires:

  • Are high on life
  • Methodical
  • Run their day like an army regiment

Pete continues to trade his own money with consistent outstanding Forex results. He is young, determined and a born trader who has worked with clear determination to master the markets. Hear how he learnt to look at them as a game and his key principles for traders:

  • Don’t give up
  • Get to know your psychology and why you need to be more self aware in trading than any other career
  • Keep things simple

Pete is very happy to talk to traders. To contact him or find out more go to his blog at


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