Risk can be kryptonite for investors.
It’s time you faced it head-on and learned how to trade come rain or shine.
Market Wizard, Tom Basso, reveals his strategy for embracing risk and how you can use his methods to launch long-lasting profitability in any financial climate. (Listening time: 42 minutes… unless you pop it onto 1.5 times speed like I do – then it will just take 28 minutes!)
Louise Bedford says:
“As traders, we all know how important it is to have mentors who have been there before. That’s why I’m thrilled to share my interview with Tom Basso, a legendary trader featured in the book “The New Market Wizards” by Jack Schwager.
“Tom is considered one of the most successful traders Schwager has ever interviewed because of his ability to make money while maintaining balance and calmness. In this interview, Tom shares his approach to achieving psychological fitness and finding balance in life while making money from the markets.
“With $600 million under management at the peak of his career, Tom has a methodical approach to trading that he developed as an engineer. I can’t wait for you to hear his inspiring story and learn from his wisdom.
“Tom’s new book, The All-Weather Trader has just launched, and I’m so excited to bring you this exclusive interview about Tom’s trading, his life, and his new book.”
Discovering Aha Moments
Throughout his life, Tom discovered certain moments where he realized something was important and should be worked on. These moments led him to write about different aspects of trading in his new book.
Trendstat Trading Experience
At its peak, Tom’s company – Trendstat – had $600 million under management.
Tom traded very large sizes but also remembers what it’s like to be a beginner.
Engineering Mindset
Tom has an engineering background which helps him approach trading methodically.
Jack Schwager called him “Mr. Serenity” because of his calm and structured thinking.
Trader Stereotype
Jack Schwager was initially drawn toward traders with hot track records who fit the stereotypical image of a stressed-out trader living a wild lifestyle. Tom’s calm demeanour and focus on structure and data processing made him stand out from this stereotype.
Characteristics of an All-Weather Trader
An all-weather trader is someone who can make money regardless of whether the market is going up, down, or sideways.
They understand that there is a spectrum of personalities that needs to trade a spectrum of different markets.
An all-weather trader exploits opportunities in the market and diversifies their portfolio across different markets and positions.
Key Aha Moment
At 10:18
Step back and look at the bigger picture when you’re dealing with a trade that has turned against you. Think about sample size of 1000 trades and see where this trade fits into this larger data set.
About Tom Basso
Tom Basso was featured in the 2nd Market Wizard’s book – The New Market Wizards, written by Jack Schwager in 1992.
Jack says in that book about Tom – “Although his track record is solid, it is by no means striking. And yet, in an important sense, Basso is the most successful trader I have ever interviewed”. This success stemmed from Tom’s ability to make money and yet remain calm, centered, and completely balanced – living the life he wanted to live.
You’ll hear in this interview that Tom has managed to combine the twin goals of making money from the financial markets, but also living life on his own terms. This combination is quite an inspiring feat, as I’m sure you’d agree.
He owns and operates enjoytheride.world and is thoroughly enjoying retirement. Tom has a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management with a focus on Finance from the State University of Illinois – Edwardsville and a BS in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University.
Stay in Touch with Tom
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tom-basso-7786a01a3
Website: https://enjoytherideworld.odoo.com/
More about Tom’s All-Weather Trader book
About Louise Bedford
Louise Bedford is a highly accomplished and experienced trader, educator, and author, with over 30 years of experience in the financial markets. She is the co-founder of The Trading Game, and is known for her unique approach to teaching trading psychology and market analysis.
Louise has authored several successful trading books, including Trading Secrets, Charting Secrets, and The Secret of Candlestick Charting. She is also a regular contributor to Ausbiz, the Your Trading Edge magazine, and is the host of the Master Your Trading Mind Hub at IG Markets Australia.
To get in touch with Louise
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TradingGame/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTradingGame
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/louise-bedford/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/tradinggame
Photo by chutipon Pattanatitinon on Unsplash