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It is time to be in the pilot’s seat of life and create your own luck. Enjoy this episode with Louise Bedford and Michael Yardney on how the successful make their own opportunities.
Louise Bedford and Michael Yardney
Luck favours the persistent.
Luck favours the brave.
Luck favours the hard working.
Successful people create their own LUCK and their own destiny. They are the PILOTS of their own lives not the passengers.
Successful people have failed more often than the unsuccessful but they have survived…. they kept going …. they lived to fight another day.
Successful people have also tried the hardest. Talent alone is not enough, for luck to flourish you must relentlessly develop your own skills. It takes the right mindset, the right place, the right person and the right opportunity to create your LUCK.
Luck equals opportunity and preparation.
Who you hang around is also another big factor. You are also the product of the 5 people who are closest to you.
Michael introduced Louise to property investing and presented a whole new investment world to her.
Be prepared as an investor to create opportunities. Come to Michael’s Wealth Retreat June 9 -13 and link arms with an elite group of people who share the same mindset and immerse yourself into the principles of success.