Own Your Authority

Own Your Authority

Get ready to move into your greatness and shine as a trader with Leadership Coach and Ted X Talk Star Tanya Geisler. Those feelings of ‘it is just a matter of time until someone finds out I am fake’ are ready for the dustbin. Tanya defines, describes and demystifies the Impostor Complex so you can OWN YOUR AUTHORITY. Her enthusiasm is electric. Her passion is uplifting. Her belief tells you can do anything. Get ready – go – step into your greatness.

The ImpostOr Syndrome – Tanya Geisler

All high achievers have suffered the Imposter Complex.

Those thoughts that say ‘It is just a matter of time until someone finds out I am a fake.’

They keepTanya Geisler you small… they keep you from shining…

John Lennon said ‘Part of me thinks I am a loser and the other part thinks I am god almighty.’

Sound familiar…ring any bells?

When Leadership Coach Tanya Geisler presented at Ted X on the Impostor Syndrome she brought the house down. She told people how to move beyond self-doubt into OWNING THEIR AUTHORITY.

She tells us how to do that here in this episode. Unplugged. Raw.

In 6 simple coaching steps that have you believing in your ability and stepping into your greatness.


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