Green you are growing – Ripe you are rotting

Green you are growing – Ripe you are rotting

Market Wrap – Chris Tatechris_tate_exp

As every technology stock fell out of bed last week, the Nasdeq’s hissy fit spilt over to Australian markets. Along with China’s bad news on Friday, our markets rolled over with the two giants and went south.

Chris Tate also gives us his perspective on hot and cold sectors and tells us which ones to look at carefully. Hear his great advice for the markets this week.

Mind Power – Louise Bedfordlouise_exp

Step into your trading greatness with trading psychology expert Louise as she tells us you can only grow as far as your greatest fear, so you need to take the leap.

Yikes! Don’t worry, she assures that when you do, opportunities will line up.

Nhan Nguyennhan-nguyen

Young gun property investor Nhan Nguyen ( shares his keys to success. Hear some critical steps he has learnt along the way and the mindset it takes to achieve investing success.

Why does he say “if you are green you are growing, if you are ripe you are rotting” and how important have mentors been to him?

Maisie Minikinmaisie-minikin

While Maisie Minikin is patiently waiting to build her property portfolio, she would like to buy herself diamonds as well. Find out how property and share trading fit well together for this young lady and hear her take on the similarities between the two.

Plus find out why it is called a bull and a bear market in Trading Trivia.

Listen NowMichael Yardney’s Wealth Retreat

I know you’d love to hear more about Michael Yardney’s Wealth Retreat (that Maisie mentioned in her interview). Louise Bedford spent 1-hour with Michael Yardney creating a very special podcast just for you.

It’s free.

It will tell you what Michael has learned from his master mind group of super successful property investors, so you’re not going to want to miss this one.

Click here now to get immediate access to the replay.


Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod


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