Developing True Wealth

Developing True Wealth

Michael Yardney & Louise Bedford

All hell has broken loose. Many traders haven’t experienced this kind of inflation before and aren’t sure how to handle it. The economy has caused a lot of us to revamp our past strategies to cope. So, do you just kiss your dreams good-bye? Or do you develop strategies so that you can come out on top?

In this episode of Talking Trading, Louise Bedford has an insightful chat with Michael Yardney about the current economic climate and how you need to pivot your trading decisions. He gave some sound advice – and it all starts with looking at the long game and educating yourself. This is a not-to-be-missed interview so that you can flourish in today’s market.

Watch the Video Here

Favourite Quotes from Michael Yardney

“Since the media is likely to keep feeding us headlines of fear for much of this year, I think part of the focus is on educating yourself, because the economy is affected by a whole lot of factors. And most of them are out of your control.”

“Rather than worrying about all these things that you can’t control, step back, take a long term view and then focus on things you CAN control. The downturn is not going to last forever.”

“Bottom line? Think long term. Don’t necessarily look for the quick wins. And don’t listen to those negative messages in the media.”

Interview Highlights

3:26 – What to do when all hell has broken loose in the economy
6:29 – Why would they raise the mortgage rates?
7:50 – The protective measures you must put in place right now
9:38 – What property investors should do currently
11:30 – What you can do to maintain emotional consistency
13:20 – Look back to look forward
17:50 – Why it’s important to use a trading archetype
21:20 – What does money mean to Michael?
27:19 – Michael’s advice for developing resilience
29:50 – How to get out of your ‘Languishing’ funk
36:30 – The great resignation – how will this affect you? Key things to tick off before you become a full-time trader.

Try This At Home

Some key tips for you to try out for yourself:

Contact Louise and Michael

To get in touch with Louise:

To get in touch with Michael:
Access Michael’s podcast here:




Image by Megan Rexazin from Pixabay

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