“Are you freaking fed up with feeling anxious?”

“Are you freaking fed up with feeling anxious?”
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Want to know some sure-fire ways of beating up your butterflies? This is the talking trading show for you.

Market Watch with Chris Tate

Chris TateHear exactly what has happened over the past week with the Dow falling out of bed and how this impacts you. Chris Tate calls a spade a spade and tells you what we can do in the light of the latest market shenanigans.

Psychology Secrets with Simone Miller

Simone_tumbClinical psychologist and life coach, Simone Miller, will give you the heads up about how to get your head straight. Whether you’re wrestling with your children, or wrestling the markets, Simone’s views will help you keep your cool even under the most trying of circumstances.

Options Corner with Louise Bedford

Louise BedfordBuilding on Evan McQuires interview last week, Louise Bedford will tell you all about how you can get started in the Options market. Hear about the four basic strategies you should investigate when you’re getting started trading these twitchy little instruments.

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