Rich, Rich, Rich

Rich, Rich, Rich
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Market Matters with Louise Bedford

Louise BedfordSince the Dow fell out of bed, the Aussie markets still look lack lustre. From the dwindling list of hot sectors to the large list of cold, why is Louise waiting like a sniper to become net short and what is she looking for? Plus hear what she is trading this week.

Mentor Program Alumni Dinner

alumini_dinnerAt the Alumni Mentor Program dinner for the graduates of the Mentor Program last Saturday night, a room full of like-minded individuals with a passion for the markets talked over champagne and wine. Hear what graduates had to say about The Mentor Program and find out just why being connected to a supportive ‘family’ of traders is so darned valuable.

Rich Rich Rich. What the heck does that mean? with Scott Lowther

Chris TateScott Lowther, private trader and systems tester, talks to us about the power of passive income and true financial freedom. Get those pesky pests called costs out of the way and learn some strategies, to make your bank balance go up while your head is down on your pillow. Plus hear all about Scott’s favourite book he recommends to everyone.

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